Thursday, December 13, 2012


I'm so stoked for this party! I have every last detail in order, despite the dream I had the other day that the party was an hour in and I'd forgotten the box of decorations at home and the cake hadn't arrived yet. The final thing I had to do was done today and it's only day-of things left and more payments to make, but I'm still on budget.

There will be things happening constantly, so please plan to stay 8pm-midnight if you can so you don't miss a thing. 

I'll be sending out an email/post on Monday with the address again and any final things, like a reminder about the time capsule.

And please remind me to take the time to enjoy it if you see me running every which way. That's the bane of the hyper-organized.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

More Details

I recommend you subscribe to this blog by email for updates (link on the right).

Food: The caterer has been paid and the tasting was divine! There will be beef, pork, chicken, and seafood as well as a vegetarian option.

Drink: There will be liquor. Please do NOT bring alcohol.
There will also be a full range of sodas, water, and juices if you're driving or don't drink.

Time: 8pm-midnight
There is something planned for every hour, so come, stay, and don't miss a thing!

Location: Morgloudin Complex
10551 NW 21st St, Sunrise (Hiatus & Sunset Strip)

Parking: Please carpool! Park along the street (one set of wheels in the grass) or at the end of the block along the side of the school.

Guests: If you'd like to bring someone, please just ask. It's probably no problem at all!

Apocalyptic Gagnam?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Carpooling is highly recommended.
Use of a designated driver is always recommended.
Parking is in the street (2 wheels in the grass) or at the end of the block along the side of the school.

Time Capsule

Please bring an item to be placed in our time capsule.
It can be anything you like as long as it is light enough for 1 person to carry and smaller than a Vespa.
The value should be relatively small, as it shall not be returned to you.
I expect many ridiculous items.
These are things that future civilizations will look upon and say "My, things sure were strange before the world started anew."